Horatio Alger Scholarships - High School Juniors and Seniors

The Horatio Alger Scholarship application (for National, State and Targeted Scholarships) is open through March 15. This year we have transitioned to awarding our National and State scholarships to high school juniors who will be attending college in the fall of 2024. We continue to encourage high school seniors to apply for our Targeted awards.

Read more and apply for available scholarships at: https://scholars.horatioalger.org/about-our-scholarship-programs/

Background: As one of the nation’s largest college financial aid programs in the country, the Horatio Alger National Scholarship Program is one of the major scholarship programs nationally that specifically assists high school students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives. The scholarships are funded by Horatio Alger Members who, like the Scholars, have experienced challenges but ultimately overcame them to become successful business and civic leaders.

NOTE: All scholarships require students to file the FAFSA financial aid application at www.studentaid.gov and/or demonstrate their family income. The application has several parts, and so you should not wait until the deadline to apply since it will likely take more than one sitting to complete.
