Justice for Victims Scholarship

To be entered into this scholarship essay contest, students must submit an essay of 1,000 words or less on the following topic: "Describe the situation that inspired you to help people, especially those who have been victims of injuries caused by other people, entities, or events such as, natural disasters, etc. This can be something that happened directly to you or someone you care about, or it can have happened to a person or a group of people you know about
but do not know personally.
– What did you do to help those who inspired you? Did this improve their
– How was your desire and ability to help those who inspired you, demonstrated
in what you did to help them?
– How does what you did demonstrate your commitment to helping people in the
– What are your academic goals and how to they tie in to enabling you help
people when you have achieved them?

Eligibility Criteria
All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.

Application Materials
Essay, 1,000 word maximum. See essay prompt and questions in previous section on essay.
Current unofficial transcript

Submission Deadline: December 31, 2019. click the “Visit” button below for more information. Scholarship applicants must submit all application materials (see above) by email to:info@butlerfirm.com.
