's Annual University Scholarship - Biotechnology, Chemistry Majors is a provider of research, antibodies, proteins, peptides, and other biomedical materials to companies around the world. They also offer a $2,000 scholarship to a Life Sciences student in the United States, and Sinclair is a participating institution for this scholarship.

To qualify for funding, students must:

  • Your University must be located in the United States.
  • You must be studying for a life sciences degree (i.e. Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral Degree). Example programs include: Biology, Bioscience Lab Skills, Biotechnology and Chemistry
  • You must submit your application by the 1st March 2019.
  • You must answer all the questions in the application form.

This scholarship is best suited to students in majors such as Biology, Bioscience Lab Skills, Biotechnology and Chemistry.

Click the "Visit’ button below by March 1, 2019 to apply.
