Edna Shafer and Eleanor Young Memorial Scholarship - Nontraditional Students

Established in June 1994 by Eleanor Young to honor the memory of Edna E. Shafer and to encourage study for nontraditional, degree-seeking college students with financial need that would otherwise prevent them from being enrolled at Sinclair.

To qualify, students must meet the following:

  • Students must come from a nontraditional student background and be seeking a degree at Sinclair
  • Students must have demonstrated financial need that would otherwise prevent them from being enrolled in coursework
  • First preference will be given to students entering with a GED and/or majoring in Aviation-related degrees

Scholarships are able to be renewed from semester to semester.

NOTE: Scholarship funds can be applied towards tuition, fees, and books/required supplies at the Sinclair Bookstore. Funds apply only to charges remaining AFTER Pell Grant/other grants and scholarships have fully applied.
