Dr. Ned Young Business Management Scholarship

Ned Young, Ph.D. is retiring after a twenty-eight year career at Sinclair. During his tenure at Sinclair Ned mentored innumerable faculty, and was passionate about teaching, and always had an open door for colleagues and students. Ned’s family has established the Ned Young Business Management Scholarship to honor his service to Sinclair.

This scholarship was created to support students in either a Business Management or Supply Chain Management major.

  • Students enrolled a Business Management program at Sinclair will receive first priority
  • Students enrolled in a Supply Chain Management program at Sinclair will also be considered for this scholarship if funds remain after Business Management majors have been awarded
  • Students should also be in satisfactory academic standing at Sinclair (minimum 2.0 cumulative academic GPA)

The maximum award amount for this scholarship is $500 per student, per semester. Funds apply after Pell Grant or other scholarships. They cover tuition and course fees, with any remaining funds going towards required book purchases at sinclair.ecampus.com during the Financial Aid Dates.

Sign in to be automatically considered for all the scholarships for which you qualify based on your major, credit hours registered, and GPA.

Up to $500 per semester